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Acelere a adequação a LGPD

Ensure data privacy compliance easily and adapt data and business processes following the law guidelines with MD2 Quality manager.


With Data privacy is fundamental that your company is ready to prove at any time that it is dilligent with thw law. It is necessary to be aware to the possible vulnerabilities related to personal data, formalizing processes and mitigating risks.


MD2 offers solutions on data privacy for all company sizes. MD2 quality manager is the complete solution to the management of data privacy compliance program.


Your company compliant with data privacy in no time, with processes and tools to do so.

+55 (31) 3505-2222

+55 (31) 99789-1090

Av. Raja Gabaglia, 3117 / 412

São Bento - Belo Horizonte - MG

CEP 30.380-403

Contact us, take your doubts and send us sugestions.

Enter your details and our team of experts will contact you and schedule a detailed presentation.

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